DECEMBER 2024: “Casita de Madera” Christmas Donation
The foundation donated a set of clothing including t-shirts, pants and tennis shoes for all 18 pre-school children of Casita de Madera in Huanchaco.
We really appreciate your support.
JANUARY 2024: Donation in Huanchaco and Cartavio
SEPTEMBER 2023: Donation for Casita de Madera
We are happy to announce that thanks to your support we were able to buy a new FRIDGE and a 50″ TV Plasma for the School in Huanchaco – Trujillo.

The children are very happy about the good news.
PROJECT for 2023: Cover Casita de Madera Requirements
- 02 Fans
- 01 Refrigerator
- 01 Plasma TV
- 20 Wood chairs
- 01 Box of Bond Paper
- Multiple Color Paper
- Multiple Color Crepe Paper
- Play-Doh
- Notebooks
- Water Color Painting
- Bleach and Cleaning Products
- Toilet Paper
- Paper Towel
- 20 Plastic Cups
- Craft Paper
- Color Paper
- 20 Scissors
- Paint Brushes
- 02 Brooms with trash collector
- Cleaning Clothes
- Children books for 3, 4 and 5 years old
JANUARY 2022: Donation at Ascope – Cartavio City.
JANUARY 2019: Two new classrooms built for our kids with brick walls and ADA accessible bathrooms.

Project 2018: Supporting RASA JOVEN (PERU Jan. 2018)
The association intends to improve “Casita de Madera” infrastructure and facilities to provide a better education for the initial and primary level, for which it has carried out a construction project that it hopes can be completed. Thanks to the support!
January 2018: The association delivered help to the city Los Angeles in Huanchaco – Trujillo.
January 2017: Visit to Huanchaco and Cartavio, Trujillo

Abril 2017: Help to flood at city of San Jacinto – Trujillo
Thanks to your generous support we were able to help more than 200 families affected by the rains, floods and Huaycos that left thousands of Peruvian homes in total destruction. We arrived at the San Jacinto town center located 45 minutes from the Port of Chimbote, bringing them food, toiletries, blankets and containers so that they can store much-needed water in these times. We made the little ones spend a fun afternoon with a beautiful children’s show.

Casita de Madera
Pensando En Ellos has been working with Rasa Joven since late 2010, this project is called “Casita de Madera” Casita de Madera is located in the District of Huanchaco in Trujillo, Peru. There are approximately 80 preschool age children who lack and are in desperate need of education resources. The District of Huanchaco currently does not have an early childhood education center and does not receive support from public or private entities. Rasa Joven provides basic service readiness, education and health care resources, and feeds children ranging in ages 1 to 5.
RASA Joven is committed to improving conditions in the area for the youth and families who are less fortunate and are in dire need of assistance. Due to the current conditions and overwhelming demand, RASA Joven’s intent is to remain in the District of Huanchaco long term.
While partnered up with RASA Joven, Pensando En Ellos has aided with school supplies including but not limited to pens, pencils, reading books, crayons, glue, erasers, puzzels, binders, back packs. Pensando En Ellos has also provided class room furniture, toys, and clothing.Donations are made yearly in January which are typically delivered by a minimum of one representative from Pensando En Ellos. Interesting enough, we as a foundation raise the bar yearly because of the amount of work and the vision of one day providing a safe, clean, and constructive place for the children to learn and develop. Some of the miles stones accomplished to date are: purchased a house made of wood (Casita De Madera) to accommodate more children, supplied cribs for infants, fenced in the property to keep vandals out, and provided additional school supplies.